FlashPitt: A Long Overdue Review

FlashPitt08. The first “first Flash-centric New Media conference” for Pittsburgh. The hype was there, looming like that large elephant in the room. The burgh’s first chance to show its true colors regarding Flash and technology. Could this conference stack up?
Oh, trust me when I say this: Stack up it did.
The speakers were a full spectrum of tech warriors, which brought on a full spectrum of emotions. I laughed(Stacey Mulcahy), I cried(Zander Brimijoin), I ooooed(Golan Levin), and I aaaawed(Dan Mall). The topics covered everything, from nitty gritty AS2 to AS3 examples, to high level experience oriented thinking. By the end, I was exhausted and impressed. They also gave away some cool shit!
FlashPitt was started by two very cool people in Pittsburgh, Joe Kromer and Val Head. They started On the Fridge, LLC for the sole purpose of bringing mind altering cool events for Pittsburgh’s interactive design and development community. If you haven’t already, go check their websites out and make your life better. Seriously.
All in all, I was insanely impressed with FlashPitt 2008. Hype is nothing when you exceed it with what you bring to the table.
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