Baucis and Philemon

Finally finished this thing!
These are my grandparents on my mother’s side. I hung out a good bit with them when I was little, and they were two of the most selfless people I’ve ever known. I’ve called these paintings Baucis and Philemon, based on the Greek legend, telling of the generosity of the couple. I hope you guys dig, feel free to give me any crits in the comments!
Acrylic on wood.
For my Gram’s body, I used a stock photo by the talented Kechake-stock. Thanks!
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i really like this, rob! super cool, yo!
Link to commentThanks Jessie! I’ve been really into painting limited color lately, with predefined color schemes. Makes painting more of an illustration / design merge.
Link to commenti like that whole limited/predefined color thing. it’s modern but has a vintage feel. the wood’s cool too. you do nice work, sir.
Link to commentThank ya maam! I’ve been really into painting on wood, as you get a really cool texture.
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