So I finally got around to setting up Facebook Connect on my site this weekend. Now not only can you like all of my posts individually, but you can login and comment on them via your Facebook profile, and even post your comments to your user page. All this using a bit of FBML, and a nifty widget from Sociable.

I’d like to try and integrate some more aspects in the near future, such as my profile picture, and some better semantic implementation of the Open Graph Protocol.

Now, I just need to figure out how to align my like buttons on my blog with the same URLs that get aggregated to my Facebook page…


Yeah, I’m no longer doing any sort of social integration on my site. The social benefits don’t even come close to the detriments in speed that Facebook integration causes at times. The worst part is you have no control of it. I may add the ability to Tweet posts in the future, but I think that’s it.