I’m painting again!

This was one of those pieces that seemed to take on a mind of its own, and “paint itself” if you will. This rarely ever happens to me when I work, so it was quite fulfilling.
My aunt has been nagging me for a painting of my grandparents (on my dad’s side, if anyone cares) for ages now, so this is for her. [DA link]

I painted this for my dad about a month ago, when I stumbled upon a picture of him at 17 in an old box in my basement. Its actually painted in acrylic on the side of an old cabinet I had in my basement. The Poem is a modified version of “The Seasons of Life” by Joanna Baillie. You can read the original here. [DA link]

My good friend Matt tied the knot to an awesome girl a few months ago, and for some idiotic reason he decided to put me in with the groomsmen. All of us in the picture are friends from high school, so you can only imagine how the after party turned out.
This is done in acrylic, on the top of an old Ikea desk my brother left at my house. Thanks Adam. [DA link]
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