Making a Record Bowl

So, my friend gave me a Star Wars record this weekend. I was of course excited, as I love everything Star Wars. I realized quickly though, two vital facts about the gift:
- I do not own a record player. In fact, I don’t any tangible music player, other than an ipod, which doesn’t count.
- The gift sucked. It turned out to be just quotes from the movie which, while cool in visual form, do translate to audio only for my listening pleasure.
I immediately decided upon another alternative. I had seen a post a while back on making records into bowls. I figured I’d try my hand at it. Since I’m chomping at the bit to add more ordered lists to this post, here were my steps:
- Prehead oven to 300 degrees.
- Place metal bowl upside down on cookie sheet.
- Center record on top of bowl, and place the whole shebang in the oven.
- Bake until it melts in the shape you want. This took me only five minutes, so don’t get ADD and burn your house down.
And Viola! A masterpiece for my coffee table. My remotes are no longer homeless.

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