Welcome to Our New Jam

A few months back, Rob and I sat down and started discussing a blog we wanted to do together. We not only wanted it to focus on web design and development, but wanted to take the time to let this page show off the very themes we were discussing. How can you discuss responsive ideas if your site looks like Space Jam on a phone? You can’t.
Secondly, we both made new years resolutions to write more in 2013. Expect weekly posts on topics regarding everything web related, from design practices we employ, to development hacks. The web ecosphere has helped us out so much in our lives, it’s about time we started giving something back on a regular basis. Chris Coyier said it best:
I enjoy living vicariously through you, even for a moment. Give blogging a shot, I bet you won’t regret it.
Finally, I’d like to take a minute to highlight some of design aspects of the new site, and why we did what we did. Have a suggestion? Please drop us a line in whatever way you see fit. We realize that this little corner of the world is a living being for us, one that we plan on changing more than a few times in the future.
Nothing helps that better than a little constructive criticism.
Rob and I have been designing in the browser for our last few projects a bit, but with this site we really embraced it. It’s a hard transition from Photoshop, but I want to continue to spend more and more time in the browser while designing instead of Photoshop. I’m currently weening myself into the new process.
Responsive Layout
We have a responsive layout! And that includes large screens, and retina ones. Go ahead, resize the browser if you haven’t already. More to come later on the responsive techniques we used.
Icon Font
As we’ve made the conscious decision to embrace vectors on this site. We’ve decided to create our own icon font, and have these icons provide a small visual into the content of each post. These icons look great on all screens, regardless of size or pixel ratio (take that, retina!). As you read into the post, it’s individual icon will replace our ampersand in the logo at the top of the site. We’ll try to make them as individual as we can, while keeping the font small for speed. We couldn’t have done it without Icomoon.
An Ever Evolving Design
While the site is up and running, I consider it to be an ever evolving thing. Although we all dabble around with changing things on our own sites frequently, one major change we look forward to working on is the homepage. The current is enough to get the job done, but it needs something more. It’s on our to do list! Keep a look out for changes coming soon, and please, enjoy clicking on the Space Jam link above.
Comments (6)
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I love the responsive text! Never seen that before. Indeed, bad ass.
Link to commentThanks Duy. Let us know if you see anything amiss. Always looking for critiques.
Link to commentAlways interested in what you and Rob are up to —-
Link to commentWe are always interested in what you and Rob are up to – Keep us posted. The Grands
Link to commentGreat start! Looking forward to what you two produce/share. Nice font usage and +1 for the font icon!
Link to commentThanks Sam. Anything you see that could be done better? I’d definitely like to work on the layout for larger screens (over 1650px wide) soon…
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