April Fools Roundup
To celebrate my favorite online holiday (April Fools Day, of course) I wanted to take time to reference some of the reasons why today is awesome. Now that we have a blog up, I’d like to start keeping a record of these pranksters from year to year, even though I am pretty sure I will never forget Gmail Motion or Reba or Die. Here are this year’s top picks.
My favorite this year is YouTube shutting down. Sad face. Watch live the nominees for the best uploaded video from the past 8 years. I can’t believe they are no longer accepting entries.
Google Nose
Come to your senses and accept that smelling is believing with Google Nose.
Netflix suggestions were added for today’s holiday. I was able to get a few different shots below. Who doesn’t want to watch an Epic Nicolas Cage Meltdown? Amazing.
Gmail Blue
Gmail Blue brings a complete redesign of email without changing a thing. I can’t believe I waited this long for this.
Google Wallet Mobile ATM
The Google Wallet Mobile ATM will forever end your need for a bank or ATM. The Google Wallet Mobile ATM technology allows you to enter the amount of money you want to withdraw directly from your phone or you can use a voice-activated dispenser. Convenient? I think so!

Google Treasure Maps
Start treasure hunting using Google treasure maps. Service comes complete with 2D hand drawn landmarks, maps to help find hidden treasure chests. Beaware of pirates!

Twitter is switching to a two-tier service. Everyone can use Twttr with no vowels. For five dollars a month, you can use our premium “Twitter” service which also includes vowels.

Introducing Scope bacon mouthwash, for breaths that sizzle.
Think Geek Play-doh 3D Printer
Think Geek capitalized on the trending 3D printer by putting out this new Play-Doh 3D printer technology. It’s “the most economical and fun entry-level 3D printer on the market.” Buy it now.

American Eagle Skinny Skinny Jeans
Good to see the retail industry getting involved with April Fools Day. Check out American Eagle’s Skinny Skinny Spray on Jeans.
Redbox new build-your-own sandwich was announced via email today. Who wouldn’t want to try out that on the go shop? They even offer a discount code for those who were fooled by the trick. Thanks to Leah Klaiber for sending it over!

What are your favorite April Fools Jokes this year?
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I wnt p4y Twttr jst 4 vwls!
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